Stay With Me (Sam Smith, 2014)
Jamaican Rhythm&Blues Sam Smith's versionThe biggest hit single by Sam Smith, released in April 2014, becomes a danceable Rocksteady classic thanks to our Skatalizer. Its gospel attitude is replaced by the horns arrangement, while vocals keep on playing the master role.
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Stay With Me (Sam Smith, James Napier, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne)
Arrangement by Enrico Cioccolini Gotink
performed live by The Invisibles and published on 26-07-2015
Rumy Jansen, drums
Cees van der Linden, bass
Eugene Bakker, percussions
Freek Volkers, guitar
Alexander Broussard, keyboards
Bob van Rutte, trumpet
Erik van der Weijden, alto sax
Gunter Weber, tenor sax
Gerben van Rijt, trombone
Doris van Iperen, backing vocals
Rosa Smit, backing vocals
Enrico Cioccolini Gotink, lead vocals
Audio recording, mixing and mastering by Freek Volkers
Video edit by Enrico Cioccolini Gotink
All the other videos from "Take Her To Jamaica"